When starting a new business you create a new brand and style. When companies have been going along time it’s important to consider your look and feel and how trends and styles change over time. Having a refresh is good to keep relevant and entice new and returning customers.
Mauro, the owner of Pottery Corner in Chorlton was no different. He came to me with a challenge to refresh his promotional leaflets. The first being a larger, overview leaflet telling customers about the shop and services and one about baby clay prints. He had existing leaflets that were designed when the shop first opened over a decade ago.
Working together our first step was to look at what details should be included to make sure we communicated what we needed to customers. I always like to have a good working relationship with my clients where they feel they can be honest but also we can work together to find the best solution. I had a consultation with Mauro where we discussed all his requirements and any initial ideas he had. From this I then went and wrote all the copy to be included into the leaflets. The tone of voice for the leaflets needed to be friendly and mirrors the tone of the pottery studio atmosphere.
The baby clay prints flyer is a hand out to potential new customers who come into enquire about having them done, so it was key we had a notes area. This is so that bookings and quotes could be written on them. The larger leaflet main job is to be a shop window to show customers all the available services and again, set the tone for the pottery studio. Mauro had a collection of lovely photographs from over the years, which was a great asset for updating the leaflets.
The brief was to keep the sizes of the leaflets the same as the originals. However I know Mauro wanted the larger one to feel different, so I mocked up an idea of using the roll fold leaflet landscape instead of portrait. I think this was a great twist and it broke the mould on a simple folded leaflet.
For the cover of the two leaflets we agreed upon a large cropped image concentrating on hands creating. I didn’t want to focus on completed work as it was all about you the customer creating with their own hands so it felt like the perfect way to show this. I used a bold font with a simple title for both leaflets for consistency so it was clear you could tell it was the same company communicating to you. The large leaflet is sectioned so there is an area to explain the different services in nice, clear, minimal text with no waffle but a warm tone. The smaller leaflet was a simple 2 column showing the finished product when it was framed.
I opted to use 200gsm recycled uncoated paper for that modern matt finish and always try, when possible, to give my work an environmental consideration. I prepared the artwork and arranged for the completion of the printing using an efficient, high quality print service who completed in good time.
If you're looking at your company's brand and want a refresh, please get in touch.