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Being creative in a world that's shut!


Having a creative mind is a blessing, but sometimes it’s not always as easy to keep it coming up with great ideas. You have to train your brain and make sure your practicing some self care. People think design is all about how something looks but really the main part of my job is all about problem solving, to make sure my clients customers are being reached in the correct way.

From experience these solutions usually come at the weirdest of times, when your having a bath or just as your about to go to sleep or when your day dreaming walking around the supermarket. Being a designer isn’t a 9-5 job, you don’t finish for the day and they you forget about the work. Good ideas need time to develop, making decisions in your head before you put pen to paper.

Don’t get me wrong some days I read a brief and I stare at a blank piece of paper or a blank screen and ideas seem to hide in parts of my brain just out of my reach. And still 10 years into my career I panic will I ever find the answer, but with some confidence I can say thatI haven’t had a brief I couldn’t answer so far and I always love a challenge.

In a pre-covid world (when lockdown was something that happened in a prison setting) and a creative block striked what would I do? I would hang out with my creative community at networking events, visit galleries and museums, spend time with loved ones. I would just walk around the city taking in the people and atmosphere of the different parts of the city and the people it attracts and the trends it shows, but what happens when all of those things aren’t possible anymore?

At the beginning of the lockdown we all thought it would be a couple of months and then it would be gone as quick as it came but as the months went by, for everyone I know it got tougher and tougher in so many different ways. I struggled with being as productive as I normally would be. I love being around people, seeing friends, chatting to random and new people, spending time with my family, especially having adventures with my little niece. These things re-charge my batteries to keep on being creative and full of ideas.

With all that now not possible, how else could I get my mind to be more productive and that good old creativity flowing again? Here are some of the ways I find has helped me and maybe might help you too:

1. Be kind to yourself.

Everyone is quick to be annoyed or frustrated at themselves and I’m the worse offender. I find however the more I do it the less creative I am. So speak to yourself like you would your best friend. Use positive and encouraging words in your inner conversations. Positive affirmations are such a powerful thing.

2. Change your scenery

I find if your stuck in a rut, change where you are. Normally I know we would be going out into the world, having fun things to do and traveling the world. However staying home is key here, so change the room your working in, take a bath, go for a walk. Letting your eyes see different things will help your mind think in a different way.

3. Don’t under estimate a power nap

Being over tired is like the enemy to ideas. When ideas don’t come, most people panic and then end up staying up late trying to play catch up. This never works you end up using hours of time thats not needed doing nothing but getting more frustrated with yourself and still no answer. Sleep is essential. Some people think naps aren’t good for you, but listen to your body that hour of napping can really change your perspective and feeling refreshed you unblock what’s been stopping you thinking of those top ideas. Also your subconscious will still be working and dreams can be great inspiration.

4. Free think, doodles and write ideas down.

Just write something a short story, a poem, how your feeling, pick a colour and describe it. Draw something, what you can see, a dream you had, your partners face, your dog. Get a dictionary and randomly pick and word and draw it. Anything to make your brain work and think in a different way. It doesn’t have to be anything to do with what your working on its just a great activity to get your mind working. Those words you look at spark and spark and link together and thats when the real magic happens.

5. Consume positive news

I say positive news as there’s so many news outlets now, with a click of a button you can find just doom and gloom and with nothing nice to say about anyone. It makes you feel like this is what the world is like but I assure you there are good people and things happening just unfortunately these days you have to know where to look. One place I always go for stories is The Happy News by Emily Coxhead. If you haven’t seen it before google it and find out about it, I promise you wont be disappointed. Look at local positive new pages on social too, like Nas Daily or more local ones, one in Manchester which started in lockdown called Vibe Manchester. Look for positive new outlets ones showing love, compassion and inclusive to all. I promise it makes you see the world differently.

6. Find Inspiration

Inspiration can come in many forms, watch things that spark a light in your mind. Make a mood board using the good old fashioned scissors and glue, or use a digital platform like pinterest. Pinterest out your ideal bedroom, or kitchen. Look for things to make. Search a colour and see what comes up. Another great place to find inspiration is tv programmes, we all love getting lost in a good tv series. I love watching the pottery throwdown, it’s amazing seeing what others are creating. Another love of mine is RuPaul’s Drag Race, I love the makeup, the humour, the bright colours, the concepts in outfits, it’s such an escape. Letting your mind absorb things you enjoy keeps you inspired and keeps your ideas on trend.

7. Eating and Drinking Well.

Well, I am not always the best at doing this. But eating well doesn’t always mean eating the perfect diet. If you fancy that biscuit or that second gin go for it! A little of what you fancy does you good. Your weight does not equal your worth. Something I think society has forgotten. So eating and drinking well, is more about eating things you enjoy with a bit of what’s good for you on the side.

8. Do other hobbies.

Everyone needs hobbies and to try something new. I know lots of people have started new hobbies during lockdown, which I really love to see. I love to create. When I need to wind down or change my mindset I go and do different things. I love doing pottery, the feel of clay in my hands just takes me somewhere else and seeing it come to life from a block of mud to a functional item just fills me with joy. I also love lots of other crafts. But hobbies don’t have to just be creative. I love being in my garden, sowing and nurturing plants and veggies. Seeing something grow from a seed to harvesting it to your dining table is such satisfaction. Even if you only have a window sill, grow some herbs.

9. Put on some music you love

Never underestimate your favourite song on full blast while you dance around your living room or bedroom. The burst of happy hormones is really the best medicine. I love to dance around and clean as I go then it feels like I’m cleaning my mind as I sing along.

10. Set small manageable goals

I cannot stress this enough. It’s ok writing a bit list of all the things you have to complete but it can be overwhelming and then you complete nothing and it definitely does nothing to help with being creative. I set all my actions into separate lists for work, and home and things with are essential or nice to have. If something has been put back 3 times on my list it comes off as it can’t be that important to start with. List writing can be very therapeutic and ways to clear your mind of having to remember everything so your mind is free to be inspired, so don’t worry I’m not against lists. Just has to be realistic lists.

Don’t worry I’m not perfect by a long shot and some days, mental health gets the best of me and all I can manage is a day of turning the world off to reset, but thats ok too. Creativity is a muscle that need training and nurturing to get better. Some days there are a million ideas waiting to jump out your head and other days it is a struggle to pull out one good one, but it is all part of the creative process.

We are beginning to see the idea of an end of lockdown and start to get back to normal. Some people are excited beyond belief and for some that scary as hell. Either way creativity can carry us through back to normality. Creativity can be an amazing escape, I feel blessed that my job is to create.



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